How not to ruin 2019
We all love good “wives tales”, after all they help us make decisions! As we approach the new year here are some Southern traditions to bring us good luck (and what to make sure we don’t do as well).
First of all make sure you DON’T eat lobster or chicken on New Year’s Day! Wait, what??? Superstition is that because lobsters move in a backward direction that could mean setbacks in the coming year. Also, chickens scratch backward and because they are winged your luck could fly away!
Now, we want to go into 2019 with all the luck we can get so here is what you DO eat. First, peas or beans symbolize coins or wealth. In the South, black-eyed peas are the tradition but many don’t like plain black-eyed peas. So we have included a new way to make them. See our recipe for Hot Black Eyed Pea Dip Next, greens represent money, specifically folding money. They will ensure good fortune for the coming year. Our recipe for cooked greens is so much better than what you grew up eating in the school cafeteria. I promise you will love it. Pork is a sign of prosperity so since our greens include bacon, you have that included. Because we seem to have bread with meals in the South, and cornbread is a must with beans and greens, this symbolizes gold. Finally, top off your dinner with ring shaped cakes or doughnuts to symbolize luck.
Happy New Year. Here’s to a fabulous 2019! Thanks for becoming part of our Kitchen Kreative family.